
Manage Tasks with myTinyTodo

[ Thanks to Dmitri
for this link. ]

“Although myTinyTodo is not the most advanced task
manager out there, it does offer a few features that make it easier
for you to keep tabs on the tasks. For each task, you can specify a
priority, a due date, and tags as well as add notes. myTinyTodo
lets you sort the tasks by priority or date, and you can also sort
tasks manually via drag-and-drop. The Search feature can help you
to quickly find specific tasks, while the Tags drop-down menu
allows you to display tasks containing a specific tag. You can also
use the Tasks drop-down menu to view the tasks that match the
specified criteria, for example, Overdue, Today and tomorrow, Soon,
etc. To make it easier for you to add tasks, myTinyTodo sports the
smart syntax feature which lets you specify priority and tags
directly in the Add task field.”

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