
Mandriva One 2010.0 (including Moblin UI)

“But in addition to all of that, if you have had trouble with
the new Ubuntu 9.10 distribution, or you are a bit reluctant about
it because of the numerous reports of problems circulating… or
even if you are just becoming uneasy about the direction that
Canonical is moving, then this could be a very good time to take a
look at Mandriva Linux.

“I always use the Mandriva One distribution, because I want the
added proprietary drivers and packages it includes. If you want to
stick with a strictly FOSS distribution, you can choose Mandriva
Free. If you want the “Full Monty”, with support and printed
documentation, go for the Powerpack distribution. There is
generally also a “Mandriva-On-A-Stick” USB drive option, but it
doesn’t seem to be ready for the 2010 distribution quite yet, it
should be out soon.”

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