
More Linux and BSD insight into Intel i830m video from David Gurvich

“In addition to his first e-mail to me, David Gurvich adds more
about his experiences with Intel i830m video in Linux and

“I did think the problems with FreeBSD were due to using PC-BSD
and installing a lightweight desktop on top. After testing with a
bare install that turns out to not be the case and the issue is
with FreeBSD and has nothing to do with the scripts that PC-BSD

“I have not tested OpenBSD but most of the wireless drivers on
FreeBSD have been ported from there. I suspect there is a
difference between the two that causes these drivers to crash the
system on FreeBSD. The primary reason that I was interested in
FreeBSD was ZFS support and wanted to setup a file server. The
network issue stopped that in it’s tracks.”

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