
Nerdsyndrome: The Power of Community on the Linux Desktop

[ Thanks to Rusty for
this link. ]

“Linux has been striving to be a capable desktop operating
system for a long time now. I have been following the development
of the Linux desktop since 1998. Back in those days, we Linux
enthusiasts would dream of things like a web browser that didn’t
suck and fonts that didn’t make your eyes bleed. We would lay awake
at night thinking how great it would be if copy and paste worked
like it did on Windows. For the longest time, the aim of desktop
penguin heads was to produce a capable graphical interface that
could replace the popular environments in the closed source world
(Windows, MacOS, etc). Well, GNOME and KDE have taken care of that.
Times have changed, and now my dad uses Linux on his desktop to do
his banking and read his email peacefully, undisturbed by malware
and viruses. Now, as 2005 is starting to get underway, I see some
trends that are very exciting; ideas and concepts that may just see
Linux become the most powerful desktop operating system in the


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