[ Thanks to Aurelien
Marchand for this link. ]
Aurelien Marchand writes in with this summary:
For all you guys playing with Unix for the last 25 years, you
certainly have heard of one the best — and toughest — RPG (Role
Playing Game) for computer made ever, namely, NetHack.
The text-oriented RPG is still being developed and ported and
adapted, the latest release being 3.3.1 and can be found at
Now, true, it doesn’t look very pretty. So not pretty that a
bunch of people have make graphical interfaces to run under your X
window (Qt port
of Nethack; Gnome port of
Nethack). It’s neat but still a bit fade, and still very much
keyboard oriented… you can almost forget your mouse with those
Now has come the real stuff though: Jaakko Peltonen’s “Falcon’s
Eye Nethack.” Wanna see what a great adventure games looks like
with a great interface? Follow the link. Even music is supported!
Now Nethack in 2d iso and music exists and it’s called Falcon’s Eye