
Network Computing: e-smith server and gateway is an open-source success

[ Thanks to Ross
for this link. ]

“In the latest version of its popular open-source server
software — the e-smith server and gateway version 4.1 — e-smith
provides the functionality of a Linux server appliance without the
hardware. Although e-smith really isn’t a server-appliance provider
(the company offers only the software element), its solution fits
into the server-appliance product space handily. Easy to install
and compatible with most X86-based computers, including older and
slower units, the e-smith server and gateway addresses the same
needs as a hardware solution….”

“The e-smith package is a fine piece of software, and when you
take into consideration the company’s high regard for your
network’s security, it definitely merits a look-see. We have no
problem recommending the e-smith server and gateway to small to
midsize businesses looking to test the Linux waters.”


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