[ Thanks to M.
Fioretti for this link. ]
“What is this website?
“This website is a cleaned up reconstruction of the Free
Software project www.rule-project.org. I rebuilt it because, in my
opinion, RULE was based on very good ideas, mostly very valid even
today, and it would have been a pity not to maintain them
available.“Back in 2002, I and other Red Hat users where not really
satisfied with some trends in our favourite distribution and in
Gnu/Linux in general. What we didn’t like was (in 2002!) the
tendency of Gnu/Linux systems to become fatter and slower (on the
same hardware, of course) at every release. Sure, there already
were package managers to figure out all dependencies, but…
was it really needed to fill one’s hard disk with tons of libraries
for all possible combinations of human languages and hardware
peripherals (e.g: having to install PCMCIA or infraed drivers even
on desktop computers, or 10/12 locales for each package when only
one was used)? Especially considering that Gnu/Linux desktops were
not becoming sensibly faster at each release of each