“The consumer market has been going ga-ga for Linux-powered
ultra-mobile PCs (UMPCs) such as the much-balleyhooed Asus Eee PC
and (soon) offerings from HP, Acer, and (maybe) Dell. And ga-ga
they should. These are (or will be) sweet machines. Joining the
UMPCs (also known as netbooks) are the mobile Internet devices
(MIDs). These are even cooler devices because, while the Netbooks
have been announced with Linux and Windows XP versions, thus far
the MIDs will all run exclusively Linux.“Intel, with their new Atom processor, is leading the MID
charge, encouraging OEMs like ‘Lenovo, Toshiba, Panasonic, and LG
Electronics’ to get their own MIDs to market using Atom and