
Newest openSUSE Linux Offers Rolling Releases

“The newest release of Novell’s openSUSE Linux debuts with
LibreOffice, KDE 4.6, a zippy package management system and a new
rolling release system that could eliminate the need for future big
releases. Sean Michael Kerner

“Broadly speaking, there are typically two main types of Linux
distributions: those with big milestone updates for new packages
and those with rolling release cycles.

“Novell’s openSUSE 11.4 is going to bridge the gap between the
two types of Linux distributions with a new system that will enable
users to stick with stable milestone updates or to have a rolling
release. The rolling release model is one that has been in use by
Gentoo and Arch Linux among others. With a rolling release the
latest and greatest application updates are delivered to users as
they become available.”


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