“It has been reported, ad infinitum, that Apple’s shiny new
operating system is based on an open-source Unix OS. And Apple
recently embraced the KDE project’s KHTML rendering engine as the
core of its Safari Web browser.“The question is whether adoption of open source has any real
impact on Apple’s overall strategy and health or is just an
interesting side note.“While Apple is using open source as the core of its operating
system, the company is not a pure open-source play. Darwin, which
provides the underpinnings of OS X, is freely available under the
BSD license–the same license that is used for most of FreeBSD,
NetBSD, and OpenBSD. And the core of Safari, WebCore, is based on
the KHTML rendering engine, which is available under the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL)…”
NewsFactor: Is Open Source Apple’s Salvation?
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