“Flock is a ‘social browser’ built on the Firefox code base,
which integrates blogging, photo sharing with Flickr or
Photobucket, ‘favorites’ (a.k.a. bookmarks) using del.icio.us or
Shadows, and other collaborative features. Last November I took a
look at an early Flock release, and found it to be interesting, if
a little bit rough. The Flock folks have been hard at work, and the
new Flock beta release looks solid enough to be a must for users
who spend a great deal of time blogging, sharing pictures, or using
services like del.icio.us.“Most of Flock’s functions are already available via Firefox
extensions, but extensions carry a few problems. First of all,
since they’re developed separately from Firefox, they tend to get
outdated when the Mozilla folks update Firefox and the extension
developers fall behind…”