
NewsForge: Hola, ADIOS Boot CD

“If you dismiss the ADIOS Linux Boot CD as just another bootable
Linux live CD, you might be missing out on an interesting project
with several unique characteristics. Which other distribution
provides users with a pre-configured User Mode Linux so that you
can run several new instances of Linux within the existing system?
Which one comes with a kernel patched with all the latest security
safeguards? Can you name another live CD that gives a choice to
boot into Security-enhance Linux, a Linux kernel developed by the
National Security Agency (NSA)? Or boot with the Linux Intrusion
Detection System turned on?

“Developed by the Queensland University of Technology in
Brisbane, Australia, ADIOS is an acronym that stands for ‘Automated
Download and Installation of Operating Systems.’ The original idea
was to create a tool for easy installation of multiple operating
systems on students’ workstations, but as the project evolved and
the original needs changed, more and more effort went into a Red
Hat-based live CD, which is now known as ADIOS Linux Boot CD.
Version 2.00, based on Red Hat Linux 9, was released last

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