[ Thanks to Cliff
Wells for this link. ]
My previous article was quite inflammatory: it was a personal
rant never meant to see wide dissemination. I make no apologies for
its content, however I do apologise to those who came expecting to
see a reasoned argument supporting my assertions and came away
rightly disappointed. I’ll try to remedy that here and perhaps
spark a more intelligent discussion than what was had
previously.“Before we start, if your comment consists of ‘you’re just a
two-bit blogger looking for fame’ or some variation of, try to save
yourself the pitiful fate of self-fulfilling prophecy. Posting a
comment under those pretenses is a bit like trying to put a store
out of business by buying all their merchandise. It’s probably not
going to work. If you don’t want me to be famous, go away. It’s
really for the best…”
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Enough Random Bytes Available: Why the Light has Gone Out on
LAMP(Jun 07, 2006)