
October 2009 OS stats: Windows 7 passes Snow Leopard, Linux

“Between October and September, Windows dropped 0.25 percentage
points (from 92.77 percent to 92.52 percent), Mac OS climbed up a
sizeable 0.15 percentage points (from 5.12 percent to 5.27
percent), and Linux edged forward 0.01 percentage points (from 0.95
percent to 0.96 percent). Windows’ drop is worth noting given that
it occurred in the month that Windows 7 was released, but November
may show something different given that it will be a full month of
sales of the operating system. Still, Windows 7 did quite well; it
managed to pass Linux, Snow Leopard, and even both of their shares
combined (2.13 percent versus Windows 7’s 2.15 percent):”

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