[ Thanks to Timothy R. Butler for this
link. ]
“If you haven’t read part 1 of this–‘Babe in the Woods: A Linux
User Migrates to FreeBSD’–you may be at a loss. For those who did
read it, many are still at a loss. That is, they didn’t grasp the
subtle purpose behind the article. Of those who commented, most
were hardcore geeks, the techies who are in a position to really
understand computers.“They are also the minority of those who use computers. They
were offended because my story echoed all the clueless noises made
by the average user. What they did not catch on to was that I
intentionally went about the whole exercise as a clueless user. I
wanted to experience it from the perspective of the average user
who doesn’t revel in the world of math and science. You see, I have
a mild learning disability that hinders my progress in math and
science. It takes me twice as much effort, if not more, than the
average human who seeks to learn about computer technology. With my
Linux background, as a user only, I figured that would put me about
on par with experienced users with better brains, but who hadn’t
experienced Linux or BSD…”
Related Story:
Babe in the Wood: A Linux User Migrates to FreeBSD(Oct 13,