[ Linux Today reader Jeff Gerhardt writes: ]
Tuesday, December 14th, 1999
“At 6pm pst, 7pm rmt, 8pm cst, 9pm east and 1am GMT
Kevin, Arne, Jeff, PJ and Doc Searls (of the Linux Journal) have
a great show tonight on The Linux Show!!
Linuxcare Goes Global Come catch the big news about our friends
at Linuxcare.
In Segment One we will take up all the major Linux community
news items of the week.
In Segment Two & Three we will be talking to Pat
Lambs, Vice President of Service Solutions Doug
Nassaur, Chief Information Officer and Terry Hennessy
of Linuxcare about the big news with Linuxcare launching an
international sales and support group as well as some significant
acquisitions including the Puffin group.
Tonight at 6pm pst, 7pm rmt, 8pm cst, 9pm east and 1am GMT.
catch the Linux show at http://www.thelinuxshow.com.”