
OSNews: Editorial: The State of OSS Documentation

“I recognize that Open Source folks are passionate. I understand
and I applaud the dedication and fierce loyalty. But for the love
of all that is warm and fuzzy, could you please give it a rest?
Just for a little while? There is something else that really needs
some attention: proper documentation.

“I have heard much lately about *Linux_On_The_Desktop*. I read
that Linux is finally ready for the desktop. Then I read that Linux
is not ready for the desktop yet, but it soon will be. I read that
Linux has been ready for the desktop for years. I read that Linux
is ready for a few specialized uses, but not ready for the home
user. I read that Linux is so easy nowadays that anyone’s grandma
can use it. I read that the high level executives in the computer
industry themselves can’t cope with setting up their own
computers… and then I read about a dachshund in Paducah that
managed to install Gentoo unassisted and sent out three emails
before his owner caught him…”


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