
OSNews: Installing Red Hat Linux 9 (The Manual Way)

“This may not be of much use to those of you who dread text
based installs, and those in the know, but a bit of useful
information I came across when I installed Red Hat Linux 9

“To install Red Hat Linux 9, you do not really need to burn the
iso image to a CD, neither do you need to go through a lengthy
process of extracting the contents of the iso image and setting up
an installation directory for a hard drive based install. I am sure
some people’s eyes are popping out at this stage. You are in good
company if you are in this group.

“What you have to do is extract the redhat boot diskette and
rawwritewin from the first iso. use rawritewin to create a boot
diskette. The correct image filename for this install type is

“You are now good to go…”


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