
OSNews: Red Hat Linux 9 – The Windows User’s Installation Experience

“There seem to be many reviews on Red Hat 9.0, but all seem to
be written by Linux junkies who really know their stuff. What about
the MS Windows Convert? They say people like the first thing they
use (i.e. if you learn to drive a manual transmission, you prefer
it over automatic). If this is true, how does Red Hat 9.0 introduce
a novice pc user to the world of computers? I hope to answer some
of those questions in this tiny review.

“I’m an experienced Windows / OS X user who has dabbled with
Linux here and there since the kernel was at about version 2.0.
It’s important that I qualify the word ‘dabbled’ with the
understanding that I’ve done little more than install a version or
two of the Mandrake distribution and then cleaned my system and
started over with Windows. Knowing full well that the *nix platform
should outperform a windows box for stability, I chose to venture
into the Linux world…”


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