
OSNews: Success with Linux on the Home Desktop

“I have been hearing and reading for a long time that Linux is
great, that Linux is cool, and that Linux is free (as in live free
or die). I do not have the option to choose OS at work–I primarily
do database work for large corporations using expensive commercial
databases. I have been thinking of trying Linux at home for some
time, and got the final impetus when:

  • “I realized that I have really come to like the open source
    applications that I have been using for a couple of years
    now–Mozilla: I love all the functionality that was provided by
    Netscape 4 (no popping weasels, and no dancing monkeys or zipping
    cars) with added stability; Gimp: No more need for expensive
    photoshop; and OpenOffice: My wife uses it for her school
  • “Larry Elison proclaimed that Linux [will] decimate MS (and my
    admiration for Larry Ellison is second only to Bill Gates). So, all
    the hype about Linux must be true after all…!”


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