
OSNews: The Very Verbose Debian 3.0 Installation Walkthrough

“After reading many of the posts regarding the recent OSNews
story, ‘An Unbiased Review of Debian 3.0’, I thought this article
may be useful to those who would like to try Debian, but are a
little intimidated by its installer. Several of the posts to the
above mentioned story indicated that Debian’s installer was a huge
hurtle for many people, who would otherwise like to try it. I have
found Debian to be the most useful flavor of Linux, so I wanted to
write an easy, though somewhat long, walkthrough in the hopes of
allowing a wider audience to experience first hand this stable and
unique Linux distribution.

“This walkthrough does not cover every last facet of installing
Debian, but it is quite thorough, and even painfully detailed. I
wrote this with somebody completely new to Linux and Debian, but
somewhat familiar with their computers, in mind. I hope people new
to Debian find it useful.

“Some people complain about the Debian installer not being easy,
user friendly, graphical, and so on. This tutorial does not attempt
to debate those views, but rather attempts to walk people new to
Debian through the installation process; a hand-holding into the
world of Debian if you will…”


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