[ Thanks to Kelly
McNeill for this link. ]
“The commercial UNIX war of the 1990s ended with the once
fragile workstation company Sun Microsystems the victorious
champion. Smoldering on the battlefield were the charred remains of
IBM and SGI. Withdrawing to lick its wounds was the once powerful
and almighty Hewlett-Packard (HP). And escorting the champion to a
new millennium were Linux and Intel.”
“So how did Sun win this great war? Here’s my take from the
point of view of a UNIX technology junkie on what has happened.
There are four reasons why Sun has emerged victorious.”
“First, Sun is an aggressive company totally committed to
eliminating competition in whatever form it takes, even if it means
slashing prices to the bone on its high-end servers. This is
something HP, for whatever reason, has not been able to do. Maybe
HP has a much higher operating budget, bureaucracy, and an older
workforce to take care of. Who knows?”