
osOpinion: Is it Time for Linux to Start Playing Dirty?

[ Thanks to Kelly
for this link. ]

Why not? Just think of it: Open Source Anti-competitive
Practices. It has the curious ring of a paradox or a contradiction
and the result would be poetic justice for Microsoft.

“What am I proposing? It is simple really. All we Linux
developers have to do is add to Linux, Microsoft’s secret
ingredient, i.e., strategic incompatibility or Embrace, Extend,
Extinguish. Since Linux is becoming the most popular web server, we
can gradually add features to Linux that will only work with Linux
desktops. But we add just enough for people to be irritated and
begin to utter “Doh! I have got to switch to Linux. Windows doesn’t
work very well on the web” or “If you want to surf the web you
better use Linux.” Wouldn’t it be nice if people started getting
error messages that read “This web page can only be viewed using
Linux” or “To use this feature you must have Linux installed on
your computer”? We could even have “Get Linux Now” buttons on the
web sites.”


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