Thanks to Kelly
McNeill for this link.
Hypothetical company: This company has alot of money. And so
they can throw alot of resources around. So they dress up in suits
and go to a Linux expo. They walk around the booths and someone
directs them over to Caldera. They
(Microsoft) talk with the representatives
at the booth and find out that Linux is a free operating system
kernel based on the GNU utilities
“Suits could also have a bad influence on GNU Linux. For
example, with IBM, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and all of the other
suits jumping on the “Linux bandwagon” you have to ask yourself
“Where did they find out about GNU Linux?” “From what perspective
are they approaching GNU Linux?””
“These are very critical questions. And the answers are even
more critical. With Corel slated to release a distro before the end
of 1999, these type of questions are relevant because ultimately,
you and I the user, are going to be part of their sphere of
influence whether we like it or not. And these suits, they are
businesspeople before they are anything else. So that is probably
their perspective. They are not purists, like Richard