[ Thanks to Kelly
McNeill for this link. ]
“Windows 2000, Win2k or W2K, however you refer to it in your
circle, has been out for some months now. Most every article I’ve
read has somebody saying how well it runs on a 700mhz monster with
256mb of ram breathing room. I wonder how well any other PC
operating system would run in those conditions: OS/2, SCO, Solaris
or Linux to name a few. The kicker is that most reviews end with
the stability issue, they can keep it up for at least a month
without having to reboot, wow ain’t that ground breaking….”
“What do I hear all day? Linux vendor and fill-in-the-blank
computer maker are now offering it on their entire hardware line.
Linux vendor and fill-in-the-blank software company are in talks of
bringing their product over to open source land. Here’s what we’ll
hear next, Linux vendor and the Maytag man are in talks to make him
lonelier still.’
“What the heck am I getting at? It’s simple, I have found no
reason to stop using and learning my Linux distribution. I don’t
see all the accolades for Win2K like I see for Linux. Am I the
only one noticing this or am I not looking in the right places? If
there exists this Win2K hangout where there’s talk of the wondrous
things people are doing with their systems, then please, I beg of
you, let me know.”