
Presswire: IBM SecureWay On-Demand Server

“IBM today announced a new version of SecureWay* On-Demand
Server, software that delivers personalised Web applications to
users and groups based on individual preferences, access rights and
device capabilities.

“This new version of SecureWay On-Demand Server advances the
technology by adding support for multiple servers, two-staged
personalisation, enhanced security and directory features, and
support for the Sun Solaris** and Linux** operating systems.

“SecureWay On-Demand Server Version 2 is Java(TM)-based software
that simplifies the secure delivery of personalised Web
applications to users in a network…”

“New features of SecureWay On-Demand Server V2 include…
Expanded platform support, including Sun Solaris and Linux
operating systems (Linux version now available in beta

“SecureWay On-Demand Server V2 will be available worldwide in
ten languages on June 30, 1999.”

Complete story

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