
PRNewswire: OpenAvenue Collaborative Infrastructure Based on Open-Source Development Process…

OpenAvenue, the leading Application Service Provider (ASP) for
collaborative development solutions, announced today the
release of the Second Edition of OAsis (OpenAvenue Source
Infrastructure System). OAsis is a collaborative development
infrastructure delivered via the Web that leverages successful
elements of the open-source process to improve delivery of
community-based, multi-site development projects.”

“OAsis is designed for commercial companies needing to support
geographically dispersed development teams and globally expand
their development communities. OAsis makes it easy for project
owners to publish source code and related content on a customized
Website, manage submissions for changes to the code, and
collaborate with other developers efficiently via the Web without
having to invest in the costly purchase, integration and
maintenance of disparate toolsets.”

“Open Source is finally beginning to assert itself as a logical
and cost effective means to manage the outsourcing of corporate IT
development needs,” said Evan Quinn, director of research at the
Hurwitz Group. “Both project owners and development talent have
been searching for a central repository for code, projects and
talent pools. The open source community needs centralized
infrastructure to reliably address these requirements. OpenAvenue’s
OAsis is poised to deliver just that solution.”

Press Release

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