
Recording App Audioboo Makes Its Android Effort Open Source

“Why open source? Marc Rock told paidContent that while the
company has always developed the iphone app in-house, it had to
outsource the build of the Android app. “We effectively gave it to
developers and said, ‘look at iPhone and copy it. But that’s far
from ideal.'”

“The app was first developed in 2009, at a cost of between
£30,000 and £40,000, he said. Similar strategies were
taken with its Symbian and Windows Phone apps. But since then, as
Android has grown, he said it has become increasingly more
difficult and expensive to make it a workable app across all of the
many Android flavors and devices that have hit ti market. ‘As
android fragments, with ranges like Samsung’s Galaxy devices, and
the HTC devices, it’s really difficult for us to keep up with
developments. Now the developer community out there can update and
change it.'”

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