
Red Hat Linux Starbuck BETA Now Available

Erik Troan writes:

The Red Hat engineering team is happy to announce the
availability of Red Hat Linux Starbuck.

This is a beta release of Red Hat, and we don’t encourage folks
using it for mission critical applications. However, like most Red
Hat beta release, it is quite good for:

  1. Taking up the extra space on CDs used primarily to store
  2. Installing on your roommate’s machine
  3. Justifying yuor late nights to your wife
  4. Getting every last penny of value out of your cable modem

We’ve created starbuck-list@redhat.com for
discussion of this beta release. To subscribe, send a message with
“subscribe” in the subject line to starbuck-list-request@redhat.com.

We’re all off to hide in a corner now and suck our thumbs.


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