
Reuters: Sun in Good Shape for 2003, CEO Says

[ Thanks to robt
for this link. ]

“Sun, whose fiscal 2002 sales fell 32 percent from 2001,
surprised with a small profit before exceptional items in its
fiscal second quarter ended in December, driven largely by sales of
its most expensive computers.

“Analysts have said demand for advanced but expensive Unix
servers, where Sun has made its name with its own range of
microprocessors, was slowing. Market research has shown Unix is
being overtaken by much cheaper servers based on Intel
microprocessors and Linux and Windows software.

“But the Sun chief disagrees. “It’s conventional wisdom, which
isn’t actual wisdom, that the high end gets clobbered and business
is going to Intel, Microsoft and Linux. It’s just not the case,”
[McNealy] said…”

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