[ Thanks to Steven J.
Vaughan-Nichols for this link. ]
“That tells you several things right there. The first is that
this is not going to be setting any speed records. If its speed you
want, look to iPad 2 or such Android tablets such as the
forthcoming Acer Iconia Tab A500, Dell Streak Pro, or Amazon’s own
Kindle changed into a tablet. Of course, you’re also going to pay
more for any of these than the ‘good enough’ Nook Color.“Now, Allen Weiner, a Gartner VP of Research, says ‘The Nook
Color with its new Froyo upgrade is not an iPad-not even close. But
[for] those who are looking for a great cross-media reading device
with some nice new multimedia bells and whistles, it remains a
go-to device.’ I’d say it’s more than that. Here’s what I