The S.u.S.E. FAQ is finaly released!
This FAQ attempts to supply anwers to questions that are
frequently asked about the Company S.u.S.E. and it’s distribution
S.u.S.E. Linux.
It is currently maintained by Lenz Grimmer . If you would like
to add an entry to this list, feel free to do so! Please send your
message to Feedback and corrections are very
The newest version of this FAQ can be found at
You can also download the SGML source:
In addition to this FAQ, you will find plenty of information
about S.u.S.E. Linux (and linux in general) in the support database
(SDB), which S.u.S.E. provides as a free service to the Internet
(in english)
(in german)
The support database articles can also be found on the S.u.S.E.
Linux CD, in the version available at production time. They are
located in series “doc”, packages “sdb_en” (in English) and
“sdb_de” (in German). These articles can be read with any
WWW-browser, like the Netscape Navigator or Lynx.