
SearchEnterpriseLinux: Linuxcare breaks new alliance, services ground; Merging with Turbolinux?

[ Thanks to Beth
for this link. ]

“Since Linuxcare’s founding in 1998, the San Francisco-based
company has made news for breaking ground as, arguably, the only
comprehensive technology services provider for Linux. That
tradition continued this month, as a proposed Linuxcare alliance
and a new service offering grabbed headlines.”

searchEnterpriseLinux: What can you tell
us about the possible partnership with TurboLinux
, and the
synergy of that partnership?

Sifry: It’s premature to talk about
anything other than the discussions that have already been
announced. It’s just discussion. What I’ll say is this: Linuxcare
has been and will be a distribution independent services
That’s what we built out. That’s what we’re doing.
We can look at a variety of different products and provide
additional professional services around those products. The issue,
in my mind, is that we’ll work with the best solutions for the job.
The distribution is, of course, (focused on) giving the best
solution for the job. That’s what Linuxcare has been founded on,

searchEnterpriseLinux: When I think of a
distributor combined with Linuxcare, the example of IBM Global
Services comes to mind. Could that be a comparable model?

Sifry: I agree. IBM Global Services probably
did the services the best way you could do when you also have
product. IBM Global Services will sell Dell equipment. They’ll sell
non-IBM products. They’re not being measured on how much IBM
product they sell. They’re being measured on how much services
revenue they’re bringing in.”

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