
Seattle Times updates Microsoft Marketing, Trial

Thanks to William
for these links.

Just because the IT staff recommends UNIX doesn’t mean it will
be selected:

“We want to make sure Microsoft is considered. They have, after
all, been very generous.”

“Concerned about offending Microsoft, one of their biggest
donors, the state’s community colleges are delaying a decision on a
new $20 million computer system – ignoring the advice of their own
technical advisers.”

“Over the past three years, Microsoft has donated more than $20
million in grants, software and services to the schools.”


Another interesting story in the same edition:

“Microsoft has been urged by legal and political supporters and
consultants to see if there is a way to resolve the case out of
court rather than risk a government victory.”

“If the company loses, they say, it faces the possibility that
federal or state prosecutors will try to break up the company or
force Microsoft to open up and license the computer code underlying
its core product, the Windows operating system.”

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