
SEUL.org: Linux in education report #22 for June 19

[ Thanks to Doug Loss
for this link. ]

“Since summer is upon us and the volume of education-related
news is slowing, we’re going to put these reports out only when we
have enough information to fill them. We anticipate that that will
mean every other week.”

“Arturo Espinosa Aldama sent us these updates on the status of
Red Escolar…”

“Ssystem has been renamed and revamped as OpenUniverse. From
their new project description on Freshmeat: “OpenUniverse creates a
visual simulation of the Solar System’s bodies in 3D. It’s main
distinction from other programs of this type is that OpenUniverse
renders in realtime, allowing you to view all the planets, moons,
and other heavenly bodies as they move along their paths. You can
zoom around and view the Solar System from any angle.”


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