[ Thanks to Doug Loss
for this link. ]
“On September 8 Raphaël Hertzog announced the birth of the
DebianEdu subproject. He tells us:“This subproject aims to make Debian the best distribution
available for educational use. I hope that being an official Debian
subproject will let us federate many initiatives around education
like the french Debian Education distribution (in which I was
involved). I know at least of SkoleLinux in Norway. But I’m sure
there are other less known efforts underway, I invite them to
join.“Technical Horizons in Education published an article on Open
Source Software in the August issue of their T.H.E. Journal. It
seems to be an introduction to Open Source/Free software for the
educational community. As such, it doesn’t break any new ground for
us, but it’s nice to see that the wider world is realizing some of
the things we’ve been saying for some time…”