
Staying Power

“Why? Complacency and a want for the convenient. To a large
extent we are no longer willing to take the time to do things
‘properly’. Unix systems are classically ‘set up once and forget
it,’ meaning that setup can be painfully difficult and trying, but
after being set up you never need to think about the OS again. This
no longer accurate in the Linux world. We want the shiny installer
that a brain-brain dead rat could figure out how to use, and we
want the package selection menu provided by Ubuntu even though it
often results in a polluted system, and potentially breeds security

“The ability to exercise control over a system is one of the
attractions that brings people to Linux, we are getting rid of it,
because we are lazy. We want things to be easy for people, but
those types of people often do not care enough to bother with Linux
at all, let alone understand what Linux is and why it’s important.
This is also why we see Ubuntu respins every where we turn our
heads, and Debian respins on the backs of our eye lids. It’s easy
to do, and so we do it. We don’t take the time to learn how to do
things ‘the hard way’ or the ‘right way,’ we just want our
solution, we want it now, we want it to be easy, and we want it
readily available… because taking the time to search for it is
just not worth it.”


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