
SunWorld: IDC: Linux to outpace all contenders through 2003

“IDC estimates that Linux commercial shipments will increase at
a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25 percent from 1999
through 2003, compared with a 10 percent CAGR for all other client
operating environments combined, and a 12 percent CAGR for all
other server operating environments combined.”

“IDC’s Linux coverage…, is limited to shipments from the four
major commercial Linux vendors: Red Hat, SuSE, Caldera, and Pacific
HiTech. While these vendors provide support, documentation, and
application packages, they are by no means the only source for a
copy of the Linux operating system. Linux can be downloaded from
myriad sites on the Internet, and trying to determine exactly how
many copies are downloaded and subsequently installed is next to


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