Swedish DBMS Vendor Sysdeco Mimer Announces Support for
Sysdeco Mimer AB in Uppsala, Sweden, will present a version of
its powerful DBMS for Linux at the Internet World exhibition in
Stockholm in November. A complete MIMER developer licence for Linux
will be available for free download from their web site, www.mimer.com, during December 1998.
Sysdeco Mimer is now completing a port of their relational
database management system MIMER to the open source operating
system Linux. The release of MIMER that will be available for Linux
is identical to that implemented across a wide range of platforms,
including many other UNIX platforms (e.g. IBM, HP and Sun), Windows
NT, Windows 95/98 and OpenVMS.
Sysdeco Mimer will license a complete developer version of MIMER
without charge, when downloaded from the company^Òs web
site; MIMER run-time licences for Linux will be supplied under very
attractive conditions. Sysdeco Mimer will also provide software
support for MIMER on Linux.
“We see our implementation of MIMER under Linux as an important
step in our positioning of MIMER as a ^Ñblack-box^Ò
database which is ideally suited as an embedded DBMS in all kinds
of applications”, says Stefan Eck, Marketing Manager at Sysdeco
Mimer in Uppsala. “By providing a developer licence of MIMER for
Linux free of charge, we can offer all Linux developers access to
an easy to use, scaleable and efficient DBMS, that complies to the
SQL standards. As we consider Linux to be a significant production
platform, we have utilised the operating system^Òs potential
to provide the best possible performance and scalability”,
continues Stefan Eck.
A pre-release of MIMER 8 for Linux will be presented at the
Internet World exhibition in Stockholm in November. The final
version will be available on the Sysdeco Mimer web site, www.mimer.com, before the end of
Sysdeco Mimer AB develops, markets and supports the database
management system MIMER. Sysdeco Mimer AB is part of Sysdeco Group
AS, an international group of companies which specialise in
providing software development tools to produce complex
mission-critical systems, supported by consultancy, development and
project management.
For more information, please contact:
Stefan Eck, Marketing Manager, Sysdeco Mimer AB
Phone: +46-18-18 51 21, E-mail: Stefan.Eck@mimer.se
Sysdeco Mimer AB
Box 1713
S-751 47 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-18 50 00
Fax: +46-18-18 51 00
E-mail: info@mimer.se
www: www.mimer.com