Google visitors can, according to one firm, provide a web page
in 0.64 seconds on average by leveraging the power of server farms
using “truckloads of small systems,” and the site does it using
Linux. This article looks into the logistics and decision-making
that goes into making Google tick from a non-evangelical point of
view, right down to the distribution the site’s chosen.
“Google downloads Red Hat for free, taking advantage of the
company’s open source distribution. And Linux’s open source nature
allowed Google to make extensive modifications to the OS to meet
its own needs, for remote management, security and to boost
“Felton, who describes himself as “not a Linux evangelist by any
means,” but rather someone who uses whatever works best, said he
likes Red Hat’s performance, stability, packaging and installation
routines. Also, because Red Hat is the most popular Linux version,
IT staff skilled in its function are relatively easy to find.”
“Also, by choosing Linux, Google avoids locking itself into a
single vendor for hardware or operating system, Quandt said.”