
Techweb: Is Linus Killing Linux?

[ Thanks to Doug Bostrom for
this link. ]

“Yet some solution providers, vendors, and industry observers
are beginning to question how long one man can steer the evolution
of Linux, and whether Torvalds’ sole oversight of the kernel, now
at version 2.4, is slowing its corporate adoption….”

“‘We need a full-time leader and a nonprofit organization that
can be funded by IBM, Compaq, and Dell and the [Linux]
distributors,’ said Hal Davison, owner and president of Davison
Consulting, Sarasota, Fla….”

“‘I don’t believe open source works well for commercial
companies because they can’t control schedules,’ said Michael
Cusumano, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology’s Sloan School of Management who sits on the board of
solution provider NetNumina Solutions. ‘Software companies try to
have regular development cycles. That’s how you build a rhythm for
a company.'”


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