
Tekrati: Yankee Group PR’s Roller Coaster Ride

“Yankee Group public relations boarded a roller coaster last
week. On the upside, their PR agency of record won an award–for
facilitating 1,400 mentions of Yankee and/or its analysts in the
business press. On the downside, Yankee issued a press release on
operating system reliability that was sure to fan flames among its
Linux detractors. Imagine their glee–the detractors’ glee, that
is–on discovering factual errors in the release.

“To get a sense of the tallies here, the press release on
Yankee’s OS reliability study resulted in more than 700 derogatory
reader comments at Slashdot in less than 24 hours. And, that was
just on Slashdot…”


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