
The Enlightened one is here-Bodhi Linux1.0.0

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“Where the Bodhi Linux is a true one-of a kind is because of the
window manager feature of Enlightment. The end result is that what
comes onto the desktop is what the user wants as he remains the
decision maker right from the default theme, system layout to the
applications that will sit on the computing desk. That is the
reason only a skeleton of pre-installs appear on the Bodi
system-Midori, Leafpad, Synaptic, PCManFM etc. The Bodhi Software
center can be used as het ode to choose and install any other
application critical to your needs. Bodhi is simply enlightening in
several methods- one it lightens the entire desktop, you simply
remove all that you never use and retain the parts that you use

“Bodhi Linux scores for being the light weight but definitely
not a push over under the heavy distros from LXDE to XFCE. The key
is that the Bodhi is an Ubuntu 10.04 based project that spirals on
the Enlightment Desktop. The LXDE services as the terminal and the
login system manager and comes with self-packaged .bod. and ensures
it is compatible with all required systems.”

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