
The G:Noblin 3.0 is Released

“The G:Noblin is the GoblinX Gnome and GTK/GTK2 based
distribution. The edition is ideal for those users whose are fan of
the Gnome desktop environment. This distribution is an old desire
of GoblinX users.

“The G:Noblin edition include the latest packages of the GNOME
2.24. and several improvements and modifications in the core of the
system. Some important changes are: several bugs and errors have
been corrected, added Vuze and Java JRE, some duplicated
applications were removed, some interfaces were rebuilt to look
better inside netbooks, include all files from each package and

“Another major change is the release of a distribution without
remove any files including all locales (internationalization
files). In order to enable your own language with G:Noblin you must
press TAB just after you select an Isolinux menu item and type a
paramater, for example, i18n=de_DE to start using deutsche
language. You need to know your locale alias to start using your
favorite language. This method will use gettext to change the
default language and only few applications will continue using


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