
The OutRider Computing Journal: The Value of Friendly BETA Testers

[ Thanks to Jason R.
for this link. ]

“The first time I ever received feedback from a user I was
pretty upset. Not that I had made a mistake, heck, that is more
often the case, rather the tone of the message was not shall we
say, nice. While this was discouraging, it was not long afterwards
that I received a nicer one that plainly stated what the problem
was and not something to the effect of “This fscking thing does not

“Recently I took on a larger project. This time I decided to use
a different approach. Instead of completely building the
program then uploading it and sort of waiting, I decided to build a
portion of it that worked and upload that with the internal design
“still in the air” as it were. It was definitely the right thing to
do. Already our tiny team has uncovered small, but critical,
fundamental problems that I can correct well before the program’s
first version is out.”

“One final important note, enter names in the credits as people
volunteer. This is a time saver and they appreciate knowing during
the process that you will be crediting them.”


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