
The Register: XandrosOS: User-Friendly to a Fault

“XandrosOS is a good-looking, Debian-based Linux distro designed
to lure Windows XP users. It’s exceptionally easy to install and
use, has good hardware and peripheral detection and good multimedia
support, offers Windows networking compatibility, saves one
money–and the desktop, a tweaked version of KDE, even looks like
XP to boot.

“The documentation is good and covers all the main points of
system configuration and administration in adequate detail.

“Xandros wisely includes Crossover Office, an emulator enabling
one to install and use Microsoft Office on Linux. This is good for
Excel and Word, but the idea of using MS Outlook, even on Linux,
concerns me from a security point of view. It would be wise for
Xandros to include Ximian Evolution, which is safer than Outlook,
looks like it, and works just as well, and encourage users to chuck
Outlook in favor of it. People can use Excel and Word happily with
Crossover Office, but Outlook, and (heaven forbid) Internet
Explorer don’t belong on any computer…”


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