“After spending a few weeks on Karmic, I have found only one
niggling issue – because I prefer to use wicd for network
management, I apparently cannot use UbuntuOne, Canonical’s hosted
storage solution. But then, I haven’t needed to use UbuntuOne, so
it’s been a moot point.“The first thing I noticed is the speed of bootup, as seconds
have been trimmed from previous versions. The second thing I
noticed is that it looked more professional, although I recognize
that’s a matter of taste. Still, it’s apparent that a lot of work
went into the UI side of things. The next thing I found is that, in
contrast to previous installments, I really didn’t need to use a
text editor to set configs. Being a Linux user since 1998, I do it
anyway because I’m comfortable with it, but I had to remind myself
to do it in this case – and that’s a first. Previously, there was
always something that didn’t behave quite as I expected or wanted,
and so moving into vi was necessary to improve productivity. Not
this time. As I have done with every other Ubuntu install, I
decided to ditch the default GNOME GUI for Kubuntu. This was a
matter of simply typing “apt-get install kubuntu-desktop” and all
was good.”