
Three Legged Ponies

[ Thanks to helios for this link.

“As I’ve mentioned before, most of these families have
to make financial decisions. Shoes for the kids or Internet? Car
insurance every month or Internet…? There just doesn’t seem to be
much ever left over for the broadband service they need.

“One of you is sure to suggest that they should just settle for
dialup. Please…don’t do that. You would not cripple your kids
that way…don’t ask me to do mine as such.

“And yes, many of them have opted for dialup…. And found it
sorely lacking.

“The kids they have to compete against are not thusly hobbled.
Recently, students in a middle school here in Austin were assigned
homework to watch either the Presidential address to students or a
YouTube video by an 11 year old prodigy giving a motivational

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