[ Thanks to Jeff
Gerhardt for this link. ]
Tonight Live: Is the SUN Setting? >> on The Linux
Tonight: On The Linux Show!!
Tuesday, July 27th, 2004 from Chicago IL
Tonight on www.thelinuxshow.com.
Even though part of the studio is now on a truck routed for San
Francisco and fully half the crew ended up at OSCON this week;
Kevin Hill, Arne Flones, Doc Searls, Russ Pavlicek AND Jeff
Gerhardt are bringing you a great show tonight. Are you ready to
ALL News Tonight.
We will cover THE HOT NEWS of the week
including: the strangeness of SUN, The new OSDN, Microsoft, HP,
SCO, the French and a new GPL, Ken Brown of ADTI; plus a clueless
pundit or two…….. and way more.
Story Links
under way By: Jay Lyman at Newsforge (Doc, Russ and Eric are
all at OSCON) - the New OSDN
OSDN - Court
Confirms GPL Valid in Germany Groklaw - SCO’s
UNIX Timeline Chart Goes Poof Groklaw - Enterprise
Unix Roundup — SCO Goes Back to the IP Future By Michael Hall,
Server Watch - BayStar
Threatens to Sue SCO By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, eWeek - SCO
Uptime Netcraft - No Linux Show at SCO Forum
- HP at SCO Forum?
How Microsoft Can Embrace LinuxBy Alex Salkever, Business Week
Online- Linux drifts from
Sun orbit by Martin Veitch, IT Week - Why
Sun stock doesn’t improve in value By Melanie Hollands IT
Investor’s Journal
D Cooper Sun Blog What is up with this????- The
Buck Starts Here by Doc Searls, Senior Editor of Linux
Linux in Government: How to Misunderstand the Enterprise Linux
Desktop by Tom Adelstein and Sam Hiser, Linux Journal- Barcelona
embracing open source Newsforge
Segment Two- More News– & a few GeekCast
If you are in a band or represent an artist,
please contact us ASAP to be added to our play list.
Please join us on the show, and check our IRC
Chat (irc.thelinuxshow.com #linuxshow).
Catch the Linux show at www.thelinuxshow.com