“Ubuntu is not without its controversies. This is a good thing
(at least IMO) as it suggests we are both challenging the status
quo, and taking some risks. Speaking for myself, my motivation for
funding and participating in Ubuntu so heavily is in large part
derived from a desire to do both of those things, I enjoy shaking
up established lines of thinking, and I enjoy taking risks. This
document exists to give the community some insight into my
thinking, and to a certain extent that of the Community Council,
Technical Board and other governance structures–on some of the
issues and decisions that have been controversial.“I will try to address rumours, frequently asked questions,
common allegations and neuroses, and of course controversies both
within the project (‘our default desktop should be *purple*’) and
in the open source community at large (‘alert! alert! ubuntu is
going to become a commercial project!’)…”
Ubuntu: FAQ’s: Why and Whither for Ubuntu?
Mark Shuttleworth
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